Enrichment is the art of enhancing the experiences these animals have while in our care, by introducing developmentally appropriate elements, specialized training, and carefully presented challenges that will help them learn to ( or evaluate their ability to) fend for themselves , post release. Like introducing new componants to their environment regularly, to challenge and assess their climbing, nesting, hunting and foraging skills, to provide similar conditions in care, to that of those they will face in the wild, to introduce new and increasingly challenging tasks, to provide NATURAL food sources for them daily and present them in a way that mimics nature and minimizes their association with humans.
Before release, they need to demonstrate the ability to source natural food, hunt, fish, find shelter, build a nest, and evade predator's.
Its not easy to teach a fox "how to fox", to teach a bobcat kitten to hunt" or show a raccoon "how to evade predators. Many of these animals would learn these crucial things from their moms, in the wild, facing everyday life. We go to extraordinary measures to provide these experiences, every single day, for every single patient.
Like these Juvenille Raccoons, Learning to fish.

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Wildlife rehab is a 24/7 job. We take it very seriously. We invest alot of ourselves, our time, love, energy and even tears into their rehab journies. We want to ensure we are setting them up for optimal success once its time for them to go off and fend for themseves. So they can return to the wild and truly thrive!